Advice For Process Servers Looking To Work Smarter

A process server is a professional that goes around handing out legal documents to people that are required to have them, whether it's divorce papers or a warning of litigation. If you have this job, here are several ways you can work smarter and get more out of this line of work.

Take to Social Media 

If you're having a hard time tracking down a person you're trying to process with an official legal document, then one of the best strategies today is to take it to social media. You'll know the person's name being processed and you can use this info to find them on social media.

Then you can see regular updates like where they are and when. That's going to help you figure out their precise location and then you have better odds of serving them directly in person so that there isn't any sort of miscommunication that could result.

Talk to Neighbors

If you know for certain a person being processed lives in a particular neighborhood but you're not sure of their exact address, what you can do is talk to the neighbors. You just need to be very subtle with the questions you ask so that the person being processed isn't alerted before you make contact.

One of the best things you can do is ask for a person using their name in a casual way. Then it will seem like you know them and a neighbor may be more willing to point you to their actual address. You can then proceed to serve them legal papers.

Find Out About Their General Appearance

To have an easier time tracking someone down to process them, you want to find out about their general appearance. Research things like race, height, sex, and distinguishable physical attributes. All of these characteristics will help you create a profile.

Then you'll have an easier time picking out the right person to process, whether they're at work, school, or home. There will be less of a chance you get the wrong person by mistake and then have to start all over.

Working as a process server can be sometimes challenging, but there are a lot of tricks that can help you and others in this profession. You just have to be willing to try new things and be smart with the actions you take. Then you'll have more success tracking down the right individuals. 

About Me

The Law Is Blind

Thanks for visiting my fun little blog on the legal system. I'm Jane Campbell. I have always wanted to be a part of the legal profession. I find law fascinating and I read everything I can find about the subject and hope to attend university someday. The only thing that prevented me from pursuing this profession was my social anxiety disorder. While I am in the process of trying to recover from this condition, I've decided to create a blog so I can talk to others about a subject that I hold so dearly. I hope my posts will be useful for you.



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