What To Do If You Are The Victim Of Age Discrimination

As an older employee, you are likely valued by a lot of people for your years of experience in the business. But sometimes, it might feel like your age is working against you. If you feel like you have been the victim of age discrimination in the workplace, here's what you need to do next.

Read and Understand the Law

First things first, you need to make sure that what actually happened to you is discrimination. You can start by reading the relevant law involved. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 spells out in extensive detail how a person's age could be used against them at work. Read this law at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's website so you have a full understanding of the situation. If it seems clear that you are indeed a victim, remain calm and move on to the next step.

Contact an Attorney

It's important to keep a level head when you are are a victim of any kind of discrimination in the workplace. Lashing out or causing a scene isn't going to win you any favor and if you choose the wrong words or something comes out sounding like a threat, you might even give your employer valid reason to fire you. So instead of doing that, consider contacting an attorney who specializes in age discrimination law services instead. Having an attorney will give you someone else to vent to and he or she will likely know the exact next steps that need to be taken.

Continue to Document if Needed

If you already have clear evidence of the discrimination, you might be able to move forward with legal action. But in some cases, your attorney might instruct you to keep your head down and continue working without saying anything. This will give you an opportunity to further document any future incidents. For example, if there is someone at work who frequently refers to you as "old" or any other adjective that is unkind, you can simply wait for them to do it again and then write down the date, time, and any witnesses who were nearby.

Have Your Lawyer Do the Talking

When it's time to move forward with legal action, let your lawyer take the lead. Some companies might not even be aware that discrimination has taken place and might be eager to settle with you in order to avoid a lawsuit. This can help you get what you want while avoiding a drawn out battle.

Contact local age discrimination law services today for more information.

About Me

The Law Is Blind

Thanks for visiting my fun little blog on the legal system. I'm Jane Campbell. I have always wanted to be a part of the legal profession. I find law fascinating and I read everything I can find about the subject and hope to attend university someday. The only thing that prevented me from pursuing this profession was my social anxiety disorder. While I am in the process of trying to recover from this condition, I've decided to create a blog so I can talk to others about a subject that I hold so dearly. I hope my posts will be useful for you.



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