5 Things To Do After A DUI Arrest

You had a few drinks at a party and then decided you were okay to drive home anyway. Now the unthinkable has happened: you were pulled over for speeding or driving erratically, the police officer tested your sobriety, and you were arrested. You already know that this mistake will be a costly one- getting a DUI can affect you financially and legally for many months or even years after your arrest. Here is what you need to do to regain control of the situation after getting arrested for a DUI:

Hire an Excellent DUI Attorney

DUI offenses and their legal ramifications vary greatly by state and depending on your blood alcohol level at the time of your arrest. After you are released from jail you will be assigned an arraignment date. At your court date you may be assigned community service and alcohol classes, have your license revoked, be subject to fines, and even be given a jail sentence or be placed on probation.

There are many intricacies involved and your best bet for minimizing the legal consequences of your DUI is to hire an experienced DUI attorney to navigate these various issues on your behalf. Visit a site like http://www.hartlawofficespc.net for more information. 

Research Your Car Insurance

Receiving a DUI will most likely have a negative effect on your car insurance and cause your rates to go up since you are now considered a higher risk. In most cases, you will be required to sign up for something called SR-22 insurance. If you are required to modify your car insurance in this way, you will receive a court order as part of your overall sentencing letting you know.

The actual SR-22 form doesn't cost much, but once you apply for it your premiums will likely increase and in some cases your current insurance company may no longer be able to provide you with coverage. It may be a good idea to hire an insurance agent or broker to help you find the most affordable insurance options after your DUI.

Make Plans for Getting Around

Your license may be revoked for a few days until your arraignment, or for many months if your offense was more serious. In the meantime, you still need to get to work, court dates, community service, and have a way to generally get around. Research public transportation in your city and make logistical changes to your lifestyle as needed, for example by moving closer to a train station or bus stop. Other options include cycling, carpooling with coworkers in exchange for gas money, and taking Uber or Lyft.

Make Financial Arrangements

A DUI is expensive and there's no getting around this fact. Your attorney, legal fines, car insurance increase, and the money you spend on taxis or Uber rides will all add up quickly. This may be a good time to pick up a second job, start freelancing on the side, or ask your family for a loan if they are in a position to help you in this way.

Take Care of Your Emotional Needs

Getting arrested for a DUI can be a total shock to your system. You are likely experiencing a range of painful feelings including guilt, shame, and anxiety. Try to use this challenging time as an opportunity for emotional and personal growth. Open up to trusted friends and family members, consider cutting ties with or at least avoiding anyone who enables and encourages your bad decisions, and seek psychological counseling if needed. If your DUI is part of a larger pattern of alcohol abuse, seek guidance from a trusted organization like Alcoholics Anonymous.

Getting a DUI should be a serious wake-up call. It's time to make the best of a difficult situation and change your behavior so that it never happens again.

About Me

The Law Is Blind

Thanks for visiting my fun little blog on the legal system. I'm Jane Campbell. I have always wanted to be a part of the legal profession. I find law fascinating and I read everything I can find about the subject and hope to attend university someday. The only thing that prevented me from pursuing this profession was my social anxiety disorder. While I am in the process of trying to recover from this condition, I've decided to create a blog so I can talk to others about a subject that I hold so dearly. I hope my posts will be useful for you.



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